We are glad that you have come our way. If you would, let us share for a moment what we believe God’s people are called to be–that is, Christ’s vision for his church.
The vision Christ has for his church is a church that goes out into the world making disciples. A church that feeds the hungry and comforts the afflicted. A church where addiction is broken and brokenness is overcome. A church that seeks to bring healing into the world and takes people where they are.
A church filled with children’s laughter and the warm smiles of family and friends. A church where stories of hope and triumph are cherished and told again and again. We seek to be this church. A church where Jesus, our risen Savior, is Lord, and where his mission is our mission.
We invite you to come. Discover. Grow. Be a part of this mission. Worship like never before. And find community with God and others.
Our worship focuses on God. We praise him by telling of his wonderful nature and all of his mighty acts of creation and salvation. We talk to him by offering up prayers, and through Scripture readings and sermons we listen to him. Through our giving we thank him and acknowledge his rule over our lives.
When we gather together, we believe that God himself is present through his Holy Spirit. Because God is Spirit, we offer up spiritual songs using only our voices, seeking to worship him in “Spirit and in truth.” We celebrate the Lord’s Supper each week, there encountering the risen Christ and remembering his death and resurrection.
Through focusing on God, our faith is built up for service to others throughout the week. We serve each other in our “worship service” by providing opportunities for fellowship, sharing, confessing, prayer requests, and responding to God’s word.
9:45 AM – Bible Classes
10:45 AM – Morning Worship
7:00 PM – Evening Bible Classes